Virtual onboarding




Ramboll is creating scalable digital learning tools for sustainable behavior in and around buildings, that can increase knowledge and create awareness of climate, health, environment and UN´s sustainable development goals.

The tools inspire and support the users to think and act sustainable through all the daily decisions both at work and in their private life. Thereby, they contribute to reach the green, blue and red bottom lines.

The tool is aimed towards a broad target market including offices, schools, hotels, private houses etc.

SDGSustainable managementSustainable development goalsSustainable behavior

CASE: Sustainable Challenge Game

The problem
A growing world population and following consequences such as limited resources and climate changes force people to live and work sustainable.
To meet the UN sustainability development goal, we need to strengthen the effort on governmental and individual levels.

The solution
Ramboll has created an App which supports and encourages a sustainable living at home, at the offices, schools and other public institutions.
The users are inspired to adjust old habits and contribute to reach the green, blue and red bottom lines.

The solution is developed by Ramboll’s Interactive Solutions team, Sustainability, Commissioning & Indoor Climate, and Data & Technologies.

The gain

  • Enhanced knowledge about sustainability
  • Reduced CO2 footprint
  • Behavior changes and stronger support for a sustainable agenda
VR onboarding
Sustainability learning
Sustainable challenge
Virtual reality

Demo Video: The Sustainable Challenge Game
