We have updated the LAWLY service to a new version.
- Contact person can now be added to service
- Requirement Widget has category for Requirement source
- Requirements have last edit – date added
- Public tags for Requirements have been separated from other tags
If you have any question or feedback regarding the new version, please contact as at helpdesk@lawly.fi

Adding Contact person
Contact person has been added into Account Settings. Purpose of this field is to enhance communication in situations where we would need to contact account administrator, for example when new person needs to be added, we have new features to offer for trial ( EHS reporter last month ) or our experts would need to contact client EHS Manager.

Other changes
- Requirement source selection has been added to Status of Requirements – widget. This helps monitoring legal, custom and standards based requirements separately.
- Last edit date was added to Requirements. Requirements should be revisited periodically and this addition aims at making it easier to see when revisiting would be due. Date changes when comments are edited or “Requirement met” button is clicked.
- Requirements public tags section in filter have been edited as separate section to make finding own tags easier.