EHS Compass by Ramboll new features 01/2025

Check out Client Announcements page for all version change logs.


New features and changes

New features have been added

  • Citation search
  • Assessment changes
  • Assigning users requirements to someone else

Citation Search

At requirement view, below the requirements there is a link to citation search. You are able to check if the legislation you need is available, and in which content package.

Note: Citation search includes all legislations for supported countries and therefore at the moment must match exactly. For example Swedish law SFS 1998:808 has been split into chapters (e.g. SFS 1998:808 kap. 1) so search for SFS 1998:808 returns only a subset of available legislation.


Assessment Changes

  • At Assessment report page, findings can now be edited and deleted
  • It is possible to archive assessment with findings either archived or left open at that time
  • When creating assessment or assessment template, it is possible to select which items from checklist to include in assessment and which to leave out – similarly to selecting requirements to assess.
  • It is possible to copy description of finding to new finding. First create a link to chosen finding from previous assessments. After linking the description can be copied.
  • For administrators creating checklists, it is possible to:
    • Create sub-categories under categories
    • link list items between assessments – allowing the findings from linked list item to be displayed during assessment

Requirement assignment

  • Requirements can be assigned from one person to another
  • this assigns all requirements from the user at once. Topic and Tag filtering are separate and would assign additional requirements to user ( each selection get a list of requirements and all of them are set to seleted user ).

Other changes

  • A request password button has been added to “My Profile” page.
  • bug fixes and editorial changes.